
block delete Fanuc cnc program,block delete for Okuma machine program



          Blocks proceeded by “/” are ignored during automatic mode operation if the BLOCK DELETE switch on the machine operation panel is set on. If the switch is off, the blocks are executed normally.

         The operator thus has a method to execute or ignore blocks containing the “/” code.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.   <!--[endif]-->The slash “/” code must be placed at either the start of a block or immediately after a sequence name (number).if it placed other position in a block, it will cause an alarm.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.   <!--[endif]-->The slash “/” may not be contained in the program name block.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.   <!--[endif]-->Blocks which contain a”/” code are also subjected to TV and TH checks, regardless of the BLOCK DELETE switch position.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.   Blocks which contain a “/” code are subjected to the sequence search function, regardless of the BLOCK DELETE switch position.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.   <!--[endif]--> The block delete function is not possible during Single block Mode. The succeeding block is executed, and then the operation stops.


N1 T0202

N2 G00 X15.0 Z15.0

/N3 T0101

N4 G00 X15.0 Z10.0

/N5 G92 S500

N6G96 S220 M03