Coordinate Standards for Machines

A turning center is used to machine cylindrical parts
A machining center is used to machine flat or angled surfaces
Without a doubt, the two most common CNC machines are the machining center and the turning center. A machining center is used to machine flat or angled surfaces, and a turning center is used to machine cylindrical parts. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate both of these machines.

CNC machines rely on the coordinate system to machine incredibly accurate dimensions. This requires a mapping of the coordinate system onto the dimensions of the machine. Imagine applying the right hand rule to a machine. Every CNC machine is programmed to recognize where the X-, Y-, and Z-axes are located on the machine itself.

The location of axes on any CNC machine is not a haphazard process. Each machine relies on Electronics Industries Association (EIA) standards that dictate the location of these axes.

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