Fanuc Machine M code List

Fanuc Machine G code
M codes:-

Fanuc M Codes control the overall machine, causing it to stop, start, turn on coolant, etc. Where other codes pertain to the path traversed by cutting tools Different CNC machine tools may use the same code to perform different functions even machines that have the same Fanuc CNC control System

Ø  M00 program stop
Ø  M21 tool magazine right
Ø  M01 optional stop
Ø  M22 tool magazine left
Ø  M02 end of program (no rewind)
Ø  M23 tool magazine up
Ø  M03 spindle CW
Ø  M24 tool magazine down
Ø  M04 spindle CCW
Ø  M25 tool clamp
Ø  M05 spindle stop
Ø  M26 tool unclamp
Ø  M06 tool change
Ø  M27 clutch neutral ON
Ø  M07 mist coolant ON
Ø  M28 clutch neutral OFF
Ø  M08 flood coolant ON
Ø  M30 end program (rewind stop)
Ø  M09 spindle orientation ON
Ø  M98 call sub-program
Ø  M19 spindle orientation ON
Ø  M99 end sub-program


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