Peck drilling cycle (G83, G87)

Peck drilling cycle (G83, G87):-

G83 X(U)_ C(H)_ Z(W)_ R_ Q_ P_ F_ K_ M_ ;
G87 Z(W)_ C(H)_ X(U)_ R_ Q_ P_ F_ K_ M_ ;

X_ C_ or Z_ C_  :  Hole position data
Z_ or X_   :  The distance from point R to the bottom of the hole
R_  :  The distance from the initial level to point R level
Q_  :  Depth of cut for each cutting feed
P_  :  Dwell time at the bottom of a hole
F_  :  Cutting feedrate
K_  :  Number of repeats (When it is needed.)
M_  :  M code for C–axis clamp (When it is needed.)

       M51  ;                Setting C–axis index mode ON
       M3 S2000 ;         Rotating the drill
      G00 X50.0 C0.0 ; Positioning the drill along the X– and C–axes
      G83 Z–40.0 R–5.0 Q5000 F5.0 M31 ; Drilling hole 1
      C90.0 M31 ;                Drilling hole 2
      C180.0 M31 ;      Drilling hole 3
      C270.0 M31 ;      Drilling hole 4
      G80 M05 ;   Canceling the drilling cycle and stopping drill rotation
      M50 ;                  Setting C–axis index mode off

                   If the depth of cut for each cutting feed (Q) is not commanded, normal drilling is performed.(see the description of the drilling cycle.)


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